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Permata Group believes that growth should not come at the expense of the environment or the people and that growth should be sustainable. Informed by this belief, we have set out the following sustainability policy to guide our work and decision making in our entire operation.

This policy set out our commitment to No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation (NDPE) and is also fully applicable to all of our suppliers and all third parties which might use our processing facilities.

We will protect the environment surrounding our operations

    • We commit to zero deforestation (using HCSA definition of forest) and will not establish new plantations in High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) areas after 31 December 2015. All of our new development will be preceded by HCV and HCS Assessment using HCSA toolkit and conducted by assessors accredited by HCVRN and HCSA. Any non HCSA compliant deforestation after 31 December 2015 will be remediated or compensated in accordance with RSPO RACP procedure 

    • We will manage High Conservation Value (HCV) area identified within our plantation and protect its natural function and biodiversity 

    • We will protect and conserve the natural biodiversity inside our operational boundary and will contribute to the biodiversity conservation effort outside 

    • We will not establish new plantations on peat land of any depth after 31 December 2015. Existing plantation on peat will be managed in accordance with RSPO’s Best Management Practices 

    • We will implement RSPO’s Best Management Practices in managing our soils 

    • We will conduct social and environmental impact assessment before any new development 

    • We will not use fire to clear land for new planting, replanting or other development 

    • We will not use fire to control pests and diseases unless in exceptional circumstances 

    • We will identify sources of GHG emissions within our operation and we will quantify and reduce our GHG emissions 

    • We will promote the use of renewable energy and implement energy efficiency programs in our operations 

    • We will reduce our water use and water consumption and promote water recycling 

    • We will manage our wastewater in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and ensure that our wastewater quality level stay within the regulatory limit 

    • We will promote 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) program for our waste management 

    • We will protect natural waterways through the establishment of riparian buffer zone and water catchment areas in accordance with Indonesian government regulation 

    • We will ensure that there is no hunting and poaching of protected species within our concession area 

    • We will promote the use of integrated pest management to minimize the use of chemical pesticides and recycle organic waste to minimize the use of chemical fertilizers 

    • We will avoid the use of paraquat and other chemicals listed in WHO class 1a and 1b list as well as Stockholm convention and Rotterdam convention 

    • We will comply with all national or local environmental laws and regulations 

We will respect the human rights (as per the definition of UN declaration of Human Rights) of the people we work or interact with as well as people who are impacted by our operations. These include our workers, local communities and human rights defenders.

Worker Rights

    • We will respect the freedom of choice of our workers. We will not employ forced labor and child labor and we will not hold our workers identification documents against their will 

    • We will compensate all of our workers with at least the minimum wage and will strive to provide decent living wage

    • We will respect the rights of our workers to join trade unions or to collectively bargain with us

    • We will not tolerate harassment, abuse or discrimination of any kind (gender, race, age etc) that is related to employment and occupation in our premises

    • We will respect and protect the reproductive rights of our workers

    • We will not assign chemical related work to pregnant and breastfeeding mother

    • We will provide a safe and healthy working environment for our workers

    • We will create and maintain a complaint and grievance mechanism that our workers can access without fear of reprisal

    • We will comply with all national and local laws and regulations as well as the core ILO conventions regarding labor and health and safety

Community Rights

    • We will follow the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in our dealings with the communities.

    • We will respect the right of local communities to give consent to the land to which they hold legal, communal or customary rights or tenures.

    • We will protect the rights of indigenous people as is enshrined in UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and ILO Indigenous and Tribal People Convention (No. 169).

    • We will create and maintain a complaint and grievance mechanism that is accessible to the members of the communities and other external stakeholders

    • We will support the inclusion of smallholders and other outgrowers into our sustainable supply chain

    • We will design and implement a CSR program that provide material benefit to the communities

    • We will strive to prevent negative impacts on local food security and will work with the communities to mitigate any negative impacts that arose

    • We will strive to solve any dispute amicably and will not resort to violence

    • We will provide business/work opportunity for local community on the principle of equality and competence

  • We will conduct business ethically and within the boundary of the national and local laws and regulations

  • We will not tolerate any form of corruption or bribery

    • We strive to provide safe products of highest quality through quality certification such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, GMP, HACCP and other relevant certifications 

    • We endorse sustainable palm oil certification such as RSPO and ISPO and will work towards full certification of our business units 

    • We will create transparent and fully traceable supply chain extending initially to the palm oil mills and eventually to the plantations