Permata Hijau Group (PHG) appreciates RAN’s initiative in informing us of the unreported presence of PT. Surya Panen Subur (SPS) in our supply chain list.

PHG would like to clarify that after the RAN report on PT. Kallista Alam (KA) is released on 9 June 2020, we conducted a throrugh investigation that uncovered the presence of PT. SPS in our supply chain. PT. SPS was immediately suspended at that time.

PHG remained on track with the action plans which we laid out in our previous response to RAN’s report on PT. KA. We have revised our SOPs, conducted refreshment training on sustainability and traceability to our procurement team, and have created an internal list of non-compliant suppliers. We are also in the process of revising our supplier list which should be finished by the end of this week. We will also send out our sustainability questionnaire and our supplier code to all of our suppliers in the very near future.

PHG have firmly communicated to PT. KA and PT. SPS our committment to NDPE and we encouraged them to take steps to address the grievances against them. We asked them to inform us as well as RAN on the progress they may have made in their respective issues.

Lastly, PHG would like to reiterate our commitment to No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation policy as is elucidated in our Sustainability Policy. We can be considered a latecomer in sustainability and transparency but we are working very hard and are confident that if given time and support we will be able to reach the level of the other established players.

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