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June 9, 2022: Permata Hijau Group (PHG) conducted a second online supplier workshop on 9th of June 2022 which was attended by 106 participants. Although pandemic restrictions has not been fully lifted, this does not reduce PHG’s enthusiasm to engage and provide socialization about the importance of NDPE (Zero Deforestation, Zero Peat & Zero Exploitation) compliance to our suppliers.

In his opening speech, Henry Cai – Head of Sustainability of PHG quoted Heraclitus when he exhorted our suppliers to change their business paradigm: “The only constant in life is change. If in the past the focus of the business was profit, profit, and profit, now we have to balance it. Do not just focus on profit but also pay attention to the planet and people. Pay attention to the environment in which we work so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy this beautiful earth as we enjoy it now. Also pay attention to the workers and the surrounding community who are the backbone of the company both as production implementers and as consumers of our products”.

Why we need NDPE?

The workshop continued with a presentation on PHG’s sustainability journey and a sharing season about sustainability concepts such as NDPE, HCV, HCS, peat best management practices, fire prevention and complaint and grievance.

NDPE commitment is a company’s commitment to ensure sustainability practices are implemented in its operation. These include environmental conservation, no deforestation, no development on peatlands and no forced labor. NDPE compliance can demonstrate the company’s sustainability progress, which would result in lower risk, better corporate reputation, access to a wider market and hopefully better prices. PHG is committed to NDPE and invites our suppliers to follow our steps.

Monitoring NDPE

PHG required our suppliers to fill in our annual sustainability questionnaire and traceability to plantation sheet. These two documents are essential in our effort to monitor our suppliers’ NDPE compliance. To help our suppliers in completing those forms, the workshop also provided a tutorial session on them.

Deforestation & Fire Monitoring Tools

In the last session of the workshop, PHG also shared with our suppliers the tools used by PHG to monitor deforestation and fire hotspots thorough Global Forest Watch Pro and satellite imagery. We shared our experience in using these tools and encouraged our suppliers to adopt them to monitor their own suppliers.

The presentation, tutorial and sharing sessions was then followed by a lively question and answer session and was closed with a team photo session.