Supplier's NameDua Perkasa Lestari
Date ReceivedAugust 2020
DescriptionAlleged deforestation and community land grab
24 Aug 2020PHG received information from RAN's report titled “Major Brands and Banks Complicit in the Production of Conflict Palm Oil on Stolen Community Lands in Indonesia” that our indirect supplier PT. Dua Perkasa Lestari is alleged to have conducted deforestation and community land grab
24 Aug 2020PHG do not have direct relationship with PT. Dua Perkasa Lestari and reached out to PT. Beurata Subur Persada as our direct supplier sourcing from DPL for clarification
26 Aug 2020As PHG is currently not sourcing from BSP, BSP declined to provide clarification. We will engage BSP on DPL issue when BSP reenter our supply chain
1 Nov 2020BSP reenter PHG supply chain and is facilitating our engagement with DPL
5 Apr 2022Through Kuala Lumpur Kepong, PHG received a report from Earthqualizer indicating PT. Dua Perkasa Lestari (DPL) was found to have allegedly develop 4 hectares of peatland in February 2022

PHG immediately seek clarification regarding the allegation with PT Beurata Subur Persada (BSP)
6 Apr 2022After engaging with PT. BSP, PT. BSP forwarded PT. DPL permits from Aceh government regarding the maximization of HGU land and the RKPPLP (Rencana Kerja Pembukaan dan/atau Pengolahan Lahan Perkebunan - Work Plan for Plantation Land Clearing and/or Processing) of the said land to be developed

PHG informed PT. BSP that even though PT. DPL has full legal right to open the land, since it is allegedly opened on peat, it infringed on PHG sustainability policy as well as PHG supplier code

PHG requested PT. DPL to clarify on the peat development allegation
20 Apr 2022PT. DPL suggested PHG to send a team to visit PT. DPL to discuss the allegation. PHG requested a zoom meeting instead

No agreement on the mode of communication reached. Further communication with PT. DPL was unsuccessful
22 Sept 2022After a long deliberation, PHG deemed PT DPL to be non compliant and therefore suspended from PHG's supply chain.
PHG requested PT. BSP to immediately stop sourcing from PT DPL, since it is not aligned with PHG’s Sustainability Policy

PT. BSP has complied with PHG's request and has stopped sourcing from PT. DPL effective immediately
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