Sustainability Governance

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06 Jan 2021Permata received information from RSPO that a complaint has been lodged against PT. Nubika Jaya by LSM Barisan Rakyat Indonesia Satu
07 Jan 2021Permata launched an internal investigation to verify the veracity of the allegation
20 Jan 2021Permata submitted a formal response to RSPO answering the allegation levied against PT. Nubika Jaya
24 Feb 2021Both parties agreed to proceed with bilateral agreement. Deadline is 19 April 2021
23 Jun 2021Both parties did not reach an agreement. The Complaint desk has forwarded the Respondent's formal response to the Complainant
29 Sept 2021The Complainant had informed the Secretariat that mutual agreement had been reached with the respondent and are satisfied with the given evidence that the Respondent had obtained all of the necessary permits and license

As a result, the Complainant wishes to withdraw the complaint
26 Aug 2022The Complaints Panel's Decision letter has been furnished to both parties to the complaint. The complaint is formally closed

Click Here For the Decision Letter
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