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News and Announcements

09 Jun 2020Permata received information through RAN's report titled “Will Nestle and Mars intervene to protect Indonesia's peatland?”
10 Jun 2020Permata started an internal investigation in response to the report
22 Jun 2020Permata internal investigation found that SPS which was extensively reported by RAN as problematic supplier was in Permata supply chain. Permata suspended all purchases from SPS
01 Jul 2020RAN released a new report titled " Permata Hijau exposed again for sourcing conflict palm oil" and lodged a formal grievance against Permata for buying from PT. SPS and failing to report it in Permata's mill list
02 Jul 2020Permata published an official statement clarifying that SPS had been suspended once it was found to be in Permata supply chain during the earlier investigation
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