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14 Mar 2024Permata Group received information from RAN's report titled "New Rogue Actor Documented Destroying the Leuser Ecosystem" stating that the establishment of new palm oil mills around the Singkil Area, namely PT. Aceh Trumon Anugerah Kita (ATAK), may become the new driver for the increased deforestation inside the Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve Area
14 Mar 2024Permata Group engaged with PT. ATAK and raised the alert of potential deforestation occuring nearby its mill

PT. ATAK took notice of RAN's report and agreed to attend a meeting with Permata Group on 18th March 2024 to discuss the issue
18 Mar 2024PT. ATAK clarified that it does not source any FFB from Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve Area

From Permata internal investigation and engagement with PT. ATAK, Permata found that PT. ATAK has:
1. Signed Permata's Code of Conduct when it first joined in 2021
2. Has its own Sustainability Policy containing NDPE commitments
3. Signed Permata's "No Buy List Plantation" that comprises of deforestation actors inside the Leuser Ecosystem area
4. Has included NDPE clauses in their contract with FFB suppliers
5. Has obtained ISPO certification
6. Is working on achieving 100% Traceability to Plantation
16 May 2024On 16 May 2024, PT. ATAK attended workshop held by Wilmar, GAR and Musimmas in Subulussalam about NDPE commitments, sustainability practices and importance of Aceh Landscape
27 May 2024On 13-17 May 2024, Permata Group conducted a field visit to evaluate PT. ATAK's Traceability System and provide NDPE training to PT ATAK's team and its FFB suppliers.

To help raise PT. ATAK's Traceability to Plantation (TTP) progress, Permata Group also assist in mapping out the farms of its suppliers

The results of the field visit can be seen below:
1. PT. ATAK and its FFB Suppliers fully supports traceability initiatives and NDPE commitments.
2. There is still a lack of traceability mechanism that explains the process of due dilligence in FFB procurement and no written agreements are in place that enforces the requirement of its FFB suppliers to provide traceability information.
3. There is a grievance handling procedure that explains the flow process of receiving and investigating grievances logged, however it still lacks in implementation.
4. The TTP level is relatively low but PT ATAK has appoint an internal team that will continuosly help in traceability efforts.
Given the results of the field visit, Permata has develop a timebound implementation plan for PT. ATAK as follows below:
1. Communicate regularly with Agent/Dealer to not source FFB from Rawa Singkil Wildlife Reserve and other protected areas.
2. Develop a traceability mechanism and includes the clear process of due dilligence during FFB procurement, and also the agreement to collect geolocation from its suppliers.
3. Organized a grievance handling team, socialize the grievance procedure with relevant stakeholders and facilitate the implementation by building a whistleblowing system or a telephone hotline.
4. Regularly increase its TTP level and achieve 100% TTP.
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