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30 Jun 2023According to a Sveriges Natur's article titled "llegal Palm Oil’s Route to Sweden", it was found that there are still several mills that source illegal FFB from Tessa Nilo National Park, mainly in Desa Kesuma

The results of the investigation claim that there are 20 mills that source the illegal FFB, where the oil from these mills has entered the supply base of major consumer brands

Among the list, there are 4 mills that have entered Permata Group's supply chain, namely:
1. PT Persada Alam Jaya
2. PT Mitrasari Prima
3. PT Makmur Andalan Sawit
4. PT Peputra Supra Jaya
25 Jul 2023Permata Group reached out to all four mills mentioned and asked for clarifications regarding Sveriges Natur's investigation
26 Jul 20231. PT Persada Alam Jaya
PT Persada Alam Jaya (PAJ) confirmed to Permata Group that they do not source any FFB from Tessa Nilo areas, which is supported by Permata Group's analysis of PT PAJ's Traceability to Plantation data

PT PAJ also reaffirmed to us of their NDPE commitment by signing Permata’s Code of Conduct and has maintained a 100% Traceability to Plantation
31 Jul 20232. PT Mitrasari Prima
In regards to the allegation that an illegal FFB from Tessa Nilo has entered PT Mitrasari Prima (MP) mill via a collection point, PT MP has yet to identify which supplier is allegedly referred to by Sveriges Natur

Nevertheless, PT MP has confirmed in a written statement to Permata that they do not source any FFB from Tessa Nilo areas, which have been verified by Permata Group through the Traceability to Plantation data

PT MP also reaffirmed to us of their NDPE commitment by signing Permata’s Code of Conduct and has maintained a 100% Traceability to Plantation

In their MOU with their FFB suppliers, PT MP also has included a condition saying that all FFB suppliers must adhere to the NDPE Policy and that no FFB supplied to PT MP are produced from forests or other protected areas
03 Aug 20233. PT Makmur Andalan Sawit
PT Makmur Andalan Sawit (MAS) confirmed to Permata Group that they do not source any FFB from Tessa Nilo areas, which is supported by Permata Group's analysis of PT MAS's Traceability to Plantation data

In addition, PT MAS has maintained 100% Traceability to Plantation to its supply base and a written NDPE commitment, which forbids the sourcing of illegal FFB
03 Aug 20234. PT Peputra Supra Jaya
PT Peputra Supra Jaya (PSJ) confirmed to Permata Group that they do not source any FFB from Tessa Nilo areas, which is supported by Permata Group's analysis of PT PSJ's Traceability to Plantation data

PT PSJ also reaffirmed to us of their NDPE commitment by signing Permata’s Code of Conduct and has maintained a 100% Traceability to Plantation
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