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08 Dec 2022RAN released a report titled "Notorious Rainforest Destroyer Caught Taking Palm Oil To Global Market" indicating that PT Nia Yulided Bersaudara (NYB) has yet again continued destroying rainforests throughout September 2022 amounting to 900 ha (2224 acres)

In the span of five years, PT NYB repeatedly committed deforestation with no regards and since 2016, the forest cover with the company's palm oil concession area has been reduced from 4873 ha to 2664 ha in October 2022

Through RAN's field investigation, palm oil fruits from PT NYB were sold to PT Bumi Sama Ganda (BSG) via RAM UD Makmur Jaya, a ramp collection point
12 Dec 2022Since PT NYB does not supply directly to Permata, Permata has engaged with PT. BSG to help seek clarification in regards to the grievance
Additionally, Permata has also suspended PT NYB from its supply chain
13 Dec 2022PT BSG clarified it only sources palm fruits from RAM UD Makmur Jaya, a sub agent from their main FFB supplier, TW and doesn't have any commercial relations with PT NYB

Moreover, PT BSG has previously signed a commitment of not buying from PT NYB
and claims that RAM UD Makmur Jaya no longer supply palm fruits to them as of 14 November 2022
20 Dec 2022Despite PT BSG's commitment of not sourcing from PT NYB, the fact remains that it still found its way to enter PT BSG's supply chain through an agent /FFB dealers

As a result, for preventive measures, Permata has communicated with PT BSG's representatives to further socialize a "No Buy List Plantation" from Permata to their FFB suppliers, especially to agent/FFB dealers
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