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26 Jan 2022Our Customer provided Permata with information on an alleged deforestation involving PT Mopoli Raya via its subsidiary PT Gading Bhakti.
27 Jan 2022Permata engaged with PT Mopoli Raya and asked for clarification.
02 Feb 2022Mopoli Raya shared their concession map with Permata, stating that the land clearing is outside of the Gading Bhakti concession.
25 Feb 2022Permata require more clarification and continue to engage with Mopoli Raya
03 Feb 2022Mopoli Raya conducted another round of investigation and found that part of Gading Bhakti HGU has been encroached by the local villagers.
Mopoli Raya has engaged with the local villagers to stop their encroachment and will install a signpost indicating their HGU (cultivating rights) around its concession.
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